Bioidenticals are exactly that. They are hormones that have the same “shape” as the ones your body makes. Non-bioidenticals might fit into the key hole on your cells but because they are a different shape they can have different or additional effects, often harmful.
Studies using synthetic hormones such as Provera in conjunction with estrogen from horse urine (Premarin) were shown to increase a woman’s risk for heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer, so much so that the Women’s Health Initiative study had to be stopped short. Studies on bioidentical hormones have had no adverse outcomes, while improving quality of life and overall health. Bioidenticals when compared to synthetic have shown multiple protective and preventive qualities.
Hormones are chemical messengers that affect our whole body in different but complementary ways. Because of this we often have many seemingly unrelated, sometimes obvious and sometimes vague symptoms. In addition, when one hormone is out of balance it can affect the balance of other hormones. Although many hormone imbalances are experienced most by people in their 40’s and 50’s, hormone imbalances can occur at any age. Sex hormones begin to decline in our 30’s. Imbalances are best corrected when they begin for optimal wellness.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include:
Hormone imbalance can also contribute to the following diseases:
Using a functional medicine approach, we always consider the root cause of your imbalance and attempt to resolve imbalances with nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, stress reduction, supplementation, and when needed bioidentical hormone replacement and medication. When we check your sex hormones we also consider your thyroid, adrenal hormones, neurohormones and vitamin D. Often if we fix one of those, the sex hormones normalize. After consideration of risks and benefits, we will balance your hormones to a youthful level, titrate them to how you feel, and control harmful metabolites when needed.
As many symptoms as there are when your hormones are imbalanced, there are benefits when they are balanced. Some of those positive effects are:
In addition, along with exercise, proper nutrition, and the use of targeted nutraceuticals, hormone optimization is an anti-aging therapy that promotes stem cell stimulation and changes in biomarkers of aging, and prevents telomere shortening. This allows you to have a high quality of life until you are 120.
Schedule an appointment with one of our providers to determine if bioidentical hormone replacement is right for you.